
A regular meeting of Washington City Council was held Thursday, August 6, 2015 at 7PM in Council Chambers, 55 West Maiden Street, Washington, Pennsylvania.  Mayor Brenda Davis, presiding, opened the meeting.

ROLL CALL:    Councilwoman Tracie Graham – Present

Councilman Kenneth Westcott – Present

Councilman Joseph Manning – Present

Councilman Terry Faust – Present

Mayor Brenda Davis – Present

SOLICITOR:     John F. Cambest, Esquire – Present



An Executive Session was held directly after the Agenda Meeting on Monday, August 3, 2015 to discuss personnel, real estate and potential litigation.

A motion was made by Councilman Westcott, seconded by Councilman Manning, and unanimously carried, to approve the minutes of the July 9, 2015 regular meeting of Washington City Council.

Mayor Davis then opened the public participation portion of the meeting.  Those signed in to speak were as follows:

  • Chief Linn Brookman gave 2 reports for the month of July. The Building  Department issued 12 permits with fees of $498.00 taken in.  So far there have been 36 residential occupancy permits issued and 14 commercial occupancy permits issued.  Total year to date fees collected are $12,958.38

The Fire Department had 143 calls for service in the month of July.  We now have Narcan for heroine and opium.  We have Narcan on hand and it will be placed on all of our equipment within a week or two.  The Fire Fighters are all being trained for Narcan use.

  • Ron McIntyre gave the July report for the Code Enforcement Department. There were 136 calls for service, 48 violation notices were mailed out, and 8 citations were issued.  Total monies collected:  $6,824.06
  • Chief Chris Luppino gave the July report for the Washington Police Department. There were 947 calls for service, just over 1,100 miles patrolled, 106 traffic citations issued, 59 non-traffic citations issued, and 36 criminal arrests were made.  Total monies collected from fingerprinting, reports and release forms was $875.00
  • John Golna spoke about the bad condition of his alley. He said that it has been 3 to 4 months that nothing has been done.  The alley is so bad that he said he wishes that all of Council would drive to it and see it.  He owns 3 properties on this alley.  He asked Councilman Westcott why nothing has been done.

COMMENT:  Councilman Westcott said that he was out at this alley two or three times last two weeks with his supervisor and operator.  They now have a plan to take the hump out of the middle of the road and patching what needs to be patched.

John Golna said that something better be done because there are gravel and
blacktop laying everywhere.  He said that he built a garage years ago to get his
vehicles off of the street.  Now he cannot get the alley fixed.  When we had other
Councilmen – Manning and his Dad – everything was done down there.


COMMENT:  Councilman Westcott said that there are two alleys
to be fixed – his and Robin Alley.  These are the next two alleys to
be fixed.


John Golna said that the City needs to scrape this alley.  Some girl, thirty year old,
shovels the alley to get out.   He said that he has a four-wheel drive to get out.


COMMENT:  Councilman Westcott said that he assures John
within the next couple weeks that something will be done.


  • Robert Neeley – decided not to speak.


There being no further public participation, Mayor Davis closed this portion of the meeting.



A motion was made by Councilwoman Graham, seconded by Councilman Manning, and unanimously carried, to approve payment to Washington East Washington Joint Authority in the amount of $2,875.00 for June 2015 Dye Tests.  CHARGE 01.34/413-240 (Code Enf – Operating Expenses)
A motion was made by Councilwoman Graham, seconded by Councilman Manning, and
unanimously carried, to approve payment to Traffic Control Equipment & Supplies Co., Inc. in the amount of $87.75 for Franklin and Chestnut Controller Assembly.  CHARGE 03.00/433-378 (Liquid Fuels Fund – Traffic Signal Maintenance)



A motion was made by Councilwoman Graham, seconded by Councilman Manning, and unanimously carried, to approve payment to CPSstatements.com, Inc. in the amount of $1,819.64 for print and process of 2015 Rental Registration forms.  CHARGE 84.00/413-240 (Rental Registration Fund – Operating Expenses)
A motion was made by Councilwoman Graham, seconded by Councilman Manning, and unanimously carried, to approve payment to North Central Highway Safety Network in the amount of $8,832.50 for Reimbursement #5 (2015).    CHARGE 90.00/489-000 (NCHS
Grant Acct)
A motion was made by Councilwoman Graham, seconded by Councilman Manning, and unanimously carried, to approve payment to North Central Highway Safety Network in the amount of $7,832.09 for Reimbursement #6 (2015).   CHARGE 90.00/489-000 (NCHS
Grant Acct)


A motion was made by Councilwoman Graham, seconded by Councilman Manning, and unanimously carried, to approve payment to Widmer Engineering in the amount of $3,082.50
for June Items.   CHARGE  01.43/430-313 (Engineering Services)



A motion was made by Councilwoman Graham, seconded by Councilman Manning, and unanimously carried, to approve payment to Widmer Engineering in the amount of $355.00 for Burton Avenue (Phase One).  CHARGE 77.00/430-700 (Capital Improvements)

A motion was made by Councilwoman Graham, seconded by Councilman Manning, and unanimously carried, to approve payment to Dodaro, Matta, and Cambest, P.C. in the amount of $8,562.55 for services rendered through 7/30/2015, includes monthly retainer and AFK Court
Reporting Invoice.   CHARGE 01.13/404-310 (Solicitor Professional Services)
A motion was made by Councilman Westcott, seconded by Councilman Manning, and unanimously carried, to approve payment to Bill Gamble in the amount of $945.00 for entry
level Fire Fighter Test Service including cost of tests, administration of test, scoring tests and
providing municipality with results of 27 applicants tested.  ($35.00 per 27 applicants)
CHARGE 01.33/411-266 (Fire – Training and Schooling)



A motion was made by Councilman Westcott, seconded by Councilman Manning, and unanimously carried, to approve the following Budget transfer:

  1. a) $2,000.00  FROM  42/430-251 (Public Works – Tires & Chains)  TO
    01.42/430-210 (Public Works – Materials & Supplies).



A motion was made by Councilman Faust, seconded by Councilman Westcott, and unanimously
carried, to approve the following (2) Park Budget transfers:

  1. a) $500.00 FROM  53/454-213 (Tennis Court Supplies)  TO
    53/454-211 (Swimming Pool Supplies)
  2. b) $1,000.00 FROM  53/454-300 (Professional Services-Instructor)
    TO  53/454-211 (Swimming Pool Supplies)




A motion was made by Councilman Manning, seconded by Councilman Westcott, and unanimously carried, to approve FINAL Reading of the following Ordinance:


ORDINANCE NO. 1869 BILL NO. 5 OF 2015:






A motion was made by Councilman Westcott, seconded by Councilman Manning, and unanimously carried, to approve FINAL Reading of the following Ordinance:


ORDINANCE NO. 1870 BILL NO. 6 OF 2015:







A motion was made by Councilman Manning, seconded by Councilman Westcott, and unanimously carried, to approve FINAL Reading of the following Ordinance:


ORDINANCE NO. 1871 BILL NO. 7 OF 2015:






A motion was made by Councilman Manning, seconded by Councilman Westcott, and unanimously carried, to approve payment to Pietragallo Gordon Alfano Bosick & Raspanti, LLP in the amount of $2,974.55 for fees and expenses regarding Claim #118911, File #WW-
106794 through 6/23/2015.  CHARGE 01.60/486-350 (Misc. Expenditures – Insurance
Liability, Etc.)



A motion was made by Councilman Manning, seconded by Councilman Westcott, and unanimously carried, to approve City of Washington’s Trick or Treat date/time to be on Saturday, October 31, 2015 from 6 to 7:30PM.



A motion was made by Councilman Westcott, seconded by Councilman Manning, and unanimously carried, to approve to open bids for the Dunn Avenue Sidewalk Project.


Solcitor John Cambest opened the bids.   (Each bid had a 10% bid bond included.)

They were as follows:


El Grande Industries, Inc.           $94,938.00

384 Helen Avenue

Monessen, PA   15062



Morgan Excavating LP                $95,547.45

445 Cherry Blossom Drive

Belle Vernon, PA   15012



Robert C. Burns Company          $116,112.50

123 Washington Street

Suite 196

Washington, PA   15301



Baiano Construction Inc.              $108,555.00

4842 Streets Run Road

Pittsburgh, PA   15236


A motion was made by Councilman Faust, seconded by Councilman Manning, and
unanimously carried, to award this bid — upon review of Widmer Engineering and our
Solicitor – to the lowest responsible bidder.


COMMENT:  Georgianna Farkas stated that she did not hear the first
bidder’s amount.


Mayor Davis stated that the first bid was $94,938.00

El Grande was the lowest bidder.


Michael Dolan asked if the bid included removal of trees

along Dunn Avenue that would be adjacent to where the
sidewalk would be paved.


Councilman Faust stated that this could be clarified with
Widmer Engineering.  He said that the trees could be cut
but not removed.




A motion was made by Councilman Westcott, seconded by Councilman Manning, and unanimously carried, to approve to remove Cynthia Griffin, Treasurer’s Department Collection
Clerk, from Probationary Status and amend the Salary Ordinance accordingly.  Effective Date:  Saturday, August 1, 2015.


A motion was made by Councilman Manning, seconded by Councilman Westcott, and
unanimously carried, to approve a settlement of the claim of Allegheny City Electric versus City
of Washington subject to the execution of a Release and Settlement Agreement between the



A motion was made by Councilman Westcott, seconded by Councilman Manning, and
unanimously carried, to approve the following Transit budget transfer:
a)      $163,799.00  FROM  28.00/492-900 (Mass Transit Operating Assistance Fund)  TO
27.00/392-900  (Purchase of Buses and Equipment Grant Fund.)  This money
represents a draw down/payment received from PennDOT $300,000 construction
grant for Phase II of transit center construction – money is always wired into Mass
Transit account, but needs to be transferred to Buses & Equipment Account from
which we pay construction contractors.




A motion was made by Mayor Davis, seconded by Councilman Manning, and unanimously
carried, to authorize purchase of asphalt for resurfacing of Public Parking Lot E on
South Main Street, in conjunction with the construction of the Main Street Farmers Market
Pavilion, at a cost not to exceed $16,000.00



A motion was made by Mayor Davis, seconded by Councilman Manning, and unanimously
carried, to approve parking space line painting by Dillie Parking Lot Maintenance, of Church
Street in Washington, PA., for portions of Downtown Washington streets recently milled
and paved by PennDOT (East Beau from Main to College, West Chestnut from Main to
Jefferson, and Main Street from Maiden to Walnut,) as well as parking space line painting
on Public Parking Lot E on South Main Street in conjunction with construction of Main
Street Farmers Market Pavilion, at a cost not to exceed $4,000.



A motion was made by Councilman Manning, seconded by Councilman Westcott, and
unanimously carried, to authorize annual membership fee in the Pennsylvania Parking
Association ($75 membership fee), and authorize one registration at a cost of $200 for Joe
Thomas to attend Pennsylvania Parking Association conference in Pittsburgh on October 1st and
2nd (2015).


A motion was made by Councilman Westcott, seconded by Councilman Manning, and
unanimously carried, to approve the Transit payment to Washington County Transportation
Authority in the amount of $11,218.67 for contracted public ADA paratransit services performed
in June 2015, to be paid from the Mass Transit Account upon verification by the Finance
Department that the stated transit funds are available.   CHARGE 28.00/447-455
A motion was made by Councilman Westcott, seconded by Councilman Manning, and
unanimously carried, to approve the Transit payment to Coen Oil Company in the amount of
$10,183.05 for the purchase of fuel for the public transit vehicles in June 2015, to be paid from
the Mass Transit Account upon verification by the Finance Department that the stated transit
funds are available.  CHARGE 28.00/447-231
A motion was made by Councilman Westcott, seconded by Councilman Manning, and
unanimously carried, to approve the Transit payment to WEWJA in the amount of $11.30 for
sewage usage at the ITF in June 2015, to be paid from the Mass Transit Account upon
verification by the Finance Department that the stated transit funds are available.
CHARGE 28.00/447-359
A motion was made by Councilman Westcott, seconded by Councilman Manning, and
unanimously carried, to approve the Transit payment to PA American Water in the amount of
$354.72 for water usage including Late Fees, at the ITF in July 2015, to be paid from the Mass
Transit Account upon verification by the Finance Department that the stated transit funds are
available.  CHARGE 28.00/447-359
A motion was made by Councilman Westcott, seconded by Councilman Manning, and
unanimously carried, to approve the Transit payment to West Penn Power Company in the
amount of $755.22 for electric usage including Late Fees in July 2015 at the ITF, to be paid from
the Mass Transit Account upon verification by the Finance Department that the stated transit
funds are available.  CHARGE 28.00/447-359
A motion was made by Councilman Westcott, seconded by Councilman Manning, and
unanimously carried, to approve the Transit payment to Verizon in the amount of $420.64 for
service charges for July 2015 at the ITF, to be paid from the Mass Transit Account upon
verification by the Finance Department that the stated transit funds are available.
CHARGE 28.00/447-359



A motion was made by Councilman Westcott, seconded by Councilman Manning, and
unanimously carried, to approve the Transit payment to Sharp Electronics Corporation #2015-
002 in the amount of $7,866.00 for Copier at ITF (PASSENGER AMENITIES) to be delivered
in August, to be paid from the Buses & Equipment Account upon verification by the Finance
Department that the stated transit funds are available.  CHARGE 27.00/447-743



A motion was made by Councilman Westcott, seconded by Councilman Manning, and
unanimously carried, to approve the Transit payment to ATD-American #2015-001 in the
amount of $34,523.09 for Furniture at ITF (PASSENGER AMENITIES) to be delivered in
August, to be paid from the Buses & Equipment Account upon verification by the Finance
Department that the stated transit funds are available.  CHARGE 27.00/447-743



A motion was made by Councilman Westcott, seconded by Councilman Manning, and
unanimously carried, to approve the Transit payment to Dell Computers #2015-004 in the
amount of $3,510.57 for Computers at ITF (PASSENGER AMENITIES) to be delivered in
August, to be paid from the Buses & Equipment Account upon verification by the Finance
Department that the stated transit funds are available.  CHARGE 27.00/447-743
A motion was made by Councilman Westcott, seconded by Councilman Manning, and
unanimously carried, to approve the Transit payment to Comstar Technologies #2015-005 in the
amount of $3,276.00 for Telephone Equipment at ITF (PASSENGER AMENITIES) to be
delivered in August, to be paid from the Buses & Equipment Account upon verification by the
Finance Department that the stated transit funds are available.  CHARGE 27.00/447-743

A motion was made by Councilman Westcott, seconded by Councilman Manning, and
unanimously carried, to approve the Transit payment to Waller Corporation #21 – (FINAL
PAYMENT AGAINST PHASE I-retainer) in the amount of $20,000.00 for contracted services
for ITF performed through June 2015, to be paid from the Buses & Equipment Account upon
verification by the Finance Department that the stated transit funds are available.
CHARGE 27.00/447-743
A motion was made by Councilman Westcott, seconded by Councilman Manning, and
unanimously carried, to approve the Transit payment to Fleeher Contracting, LLC #4 in the
amount of $15,596.67 for contracted services performed on PHASE II of the ITF through July
2015, to be paid from the Buses & Equipment Account upon verification by the Finance
Department that the stated transit funds are available.  CHARGE 27.00/447-743
A motion was made by Councilman Westcott, seconded by Councilman Manning, and
unanimously carried, to approve the Transit payment to Controlled Climate Systems, Inc. #4 in

the amount of $65,350.00 for contracted services performed on PHASE II of the ITF through
July 2015, to be paid from the Buses & Equipment Account upon verification by the Finance
Department that the stated transit funds are available.  CHARGE 27.00/447-743
A motion was made by Councilman Westcott, seconded by Councilman Manning, and
unanimously carried, to approve the Transit payment to Allegheny City Electric, Inc. #2 in the
amount of $63,830.00 for Electrical contracted services on Phase II for ITF performed through
May 2015, to be paid from the Buses & Equipment Account upon verification by the Finance
Department that the stated transit funds are available.  CHARGE 27.00/447-743



A motion was made by Mayor Davis, seconded by Councilman Manning, and unanimously
carried, to authorize the Washington County Transportation Authority to occupy the
Transit Center located at 50 East Chestnut Street, effective August 15, 2015, pending finalization
of the lease Agreement for the facility.



A motion was made by Councilman Manning, seconded by Councilman Westcott, and
unanimously carried, to approve payment to Nicklous Blumer in the amount of $1,750.00
regarding File NO. WASH-1085.007   CHARGE 01.60/487-196 (Misc. Expenditures – Health /
Hospital Insurance Premiums)    This releases the City of Washington from any further filing of
complaints regarding the health / hospital care premiums.


COMMENT:  Mayor Davis asked our Solicitor if it could be added
in this motion that this releases the City of Washington from any
further filing of complaints regarding the health / hospital care


A motion was made by Councilman Westcott, seconded by Councilman Manning, and unanimously carried, to approve the following to be charged to 77.00/430-700 Capital Improvement for the Brine System Project.


  • Concrete Pads not to exceed $9,500
  • Double Walled Storage Tank purchased from Plastic Mart for $19,239.50
  •  Anti –Ice system for F550 Dump Truck purchased from A & H Equipment for $7,200.00
  • (3) Pre-wet Systems for 10’ Dump purchased from A & H Equipment for $11,700.00
  • Water service installation from Interstate Pipe for $189.68




A motion was made by Councilman Manning, seconded by Councilwoman Graham, and
unanimously carried, to approve the resignation of Joshua Rush, effective August 6, 2015 – pay
all monies due and amend the Salary Ordinance accordingly.

A motion was made by Mayor Davis, seconded by Councilman Manning, and unanimously
carried, to approve and authorize Civil Service Testing for the position of City of Washington
Police Corporal.

COMMENT:  Mayor Davis stated that there was no discussion on
Motion 24, 25 and 26 this past Monday night and she would like to
have a discussion on these motions.   She said that Councilman
Manning was not present at Monday’s Agenda Meeting and when
she asked Councilman Faust about these he said that he did not
know.  So, she asked Councilman Manning to explain why the
Transportation Board was on the Agenda to be changed.


Councilman Manning said that the original motion
was to have yourself and Councilman Westcott on there.  Since
that time, Washington County Transportation Director, Sheila
Gombita, sent out an email stating the names of the person must be
named and the length would be for one or two years.  He thought
that it should be someone sitting on Council.


Mayor Davis stated, “so you want to take away the
responsibility and the duty of the Mayor irregardless of who is
sitting in the position.”


Councilman Manning said that he was fine with it
but when they submitted the language to the County
Commissioners and the Transit Authority they said that these
individuals had to be named.


Mayor Davis said that they were named.

Councilman Manning said that Mayor Davis would
not be there after January.


Mayor Davis said that there will be a Mayor here
after January.  You got to hand-cuff him already before he comes
into office.


Councilman Manning said, “no, they have to be
named.  We cannot name him.  The email said no ex-officios can
be named.”


Mayor Davis said, “exactly, and you weren’t here,
but Sheila was here.  Your motion as of Monday read just to
appoint two representatives, the Mayor and one Council member.
Now all of a sudden, today, you come out with another motion that
wasn’t even discussed — now appointing yourself.   Sheila was
here on Monday night and said that the names were sufficient; it
was up to the Commissioners to decide on the length of the
term of those appointments because they need to figure out
themselves what terms were vacant.


Councilman Manning said one year and two years.


Mayor Davis stated, “so what’s wrong with this
Mayor sitting on a board that the Mayor has been CEO of the
Transit ever since the inception here at City Council.  But all of a
sudden now – you don’t want the Mayor to participate.   I have 5
months here.”


Councilman Manning said, “it should be the


Mayor Davis then asked why Councilman Manning
wanted the position now?

Councilman Manning said, “because you won’t be
here after January.”


Mayor Davis said exactly.


Councilwoman Graham said, “Kenny Westcott may
not be here after January.”


Mayor Davis said so why are we putting Ken
Westcott’s name on there when he may not be here.  It is okay for
him but not for me.


Councilman Manning stated, “you definitely won’t
be here.”


Mayor Davis stated, “and he may not definitely be
here.  The election is not over yet.”


Councilman Manning said, “then we will appoint
somebody else.  It could be Tracie, could be Terry.”


Mayor Davis asked what does it hurt to have a
Mayor that understands the consolidation, who has worked through
the entire consolidation for the last two years, but now all of a
sudden you think that you are the Mayor?


Councilman Manning said, “no.”


Mayor Davis said, “well that’s what it says here –
Mayor and one Council Member.  Then you want to appoint Ken
Westcott and Joe Manning, so which one of you are the Mayor.


Councilman Westcott said, “I used to be.”


Mayor Davis said, it does not count now.


Councilman Westcott replied, looks like it doesn’t
for you either.


Councilman Westcott, stated that the motion is on.


Councilman Manning said the motion is on there.


Mayor Davis replied that they are still having a


Councilman Manning then stated, “it is no secret in
the City that you absolutely despise me.  You expect me to name
you to a board that I am going to have to deal with for another two
years.  I am not doing it.”


Mayor Davis asked, “why do I despise you?”


Councilman Manning said that Sheila came back
and said that they have to be named.


Mayor Davis then said, “so you think it should be

Councilman Manning said, “yeah I do.  You
appointed yourself to the LSA Committee.”


Mayor Davis said, “the LSA Committee – that is for
the Mayors — Joe, the Mayor of Monongahela and the Mayor of the
City of Washington.  You think that you are the Mayor, and you got
appointed three years ago, four years ago and now you think that
you are entitled for that position.  Listen, if you wanted to be the
Mayor you should have ran.”


Councilman Manning stated, “I did not run, I don’t
want to be.”


Mayor Davis said, “apparently, you do because look
it says Mayor and one Council Member.  It says Ken Westcott and
Joe Manning – so one of you two want to be the Mayor.  You’ve
wanted to be the Mayor ever since I have been here.”  Scott, you
need to be prepared because you are going to need to get yourself
some shoe shining polish because they’ve constantly stepped on my
toes since I have been in here and they will do the same to you;
because they are doing that right now by not affording you the
opportunity to the boards that you are elected to be on — but now
they feel that you shouldn’t be on.  So you need to keep a close
watch and get some shoe shining because it’s going to happen to
you too.”   It is funny because Motion number 24 made by Ken
Westcott and seconded by you (Joe Manning) . . . now all of a
sudden now a month later . . . you said, oh wait a minute I want to
be the Mayor.


Councilman Manning said this is ridiculous.


Mayor Davis said that there is nothing that is
ridiculous.  It is in black and white.  What is wrong with naming
the Mayor, Brenda Davis, who is the Mayor.


Councilman Manning said, “you won’t be after


Mayor Davis said and you’re going to be the Mayor


Councilman Manning said, “no I am not.”


Mayor Davis said you think you might be so why
can’t I have the position.   All of a sudden it is okay for you to
resign in January but the ability and opportunity away from me.
Shame on you, shame on you.


Councilman Manning said that this is childishness
and that these people out here do not deserve this in government.


Mayor Davis said that these people voted her this
term to be their Mayor and they expect me to be their Mayor and
they expect her to be on the boards that are afforded for her to be


Councilman Manning said that there is a motion on
the floor.




A motion was made by Councilman Manning, seconded by Councilman Westcott, and
carried, to approve to rescind the following previously approved Motion:

A motion was made by Councilman Westcott, seconded by Councilman Manning, and
unanimously carried, to express the sense of City Council regarding recommendation to the
Washington County Commissioners of two representatives for appointment to the
Washington Transportation Authority Board.  Those names being:  Councilman Ken
Westcott and Mayor Brenda Davis.


ROLL CALL:    Councilwoman Tracie Graham – No

Councilman Kenneth Westcott – Yes

Councilman Joseph Manning – Yes

Councilman Terry Faust – Yes

Mayor Brenda Davis – No



A motion was made by Councilman Manning, seconded by Councilwoman Graham, and carried, to approve to express the sense of City Council regarding recommendation to the Washington County Commissioners of two representatives for appointment to the Washington County Transportation Authority Board.  Those two representatives being “the Mayor and one member of City Council.”

ROLL CALL:    Councilwoman Tracie Graham – Yes

Councilman Kenneth Westcott – No

Councilman Joseph Manning – Yes, then No, No I didn’t

Councilman Terry Faust – No

Mayor Brenda Davis – Yes



A motion was made by Councilman Manning, seconded by Councilman Westcott, and carried, to
approve to express the sense of City Council regarding recommendation to the Washington County Commissioners of two representatives for appointment to the Washington County Transportation Authority Board.  Those two representatives being:  Councilman Ken Westcott and Councilman Joe Manning.

ROLL CALL:    Councilwoman Tracie Graham – No

Councilman Kenneth Westcott – Yes

Councilman Joseph Manning – Yes

Councilman Terry Faust – Yes

Mayor Brenda Davis – No




A motion was made by Councilman Manning, seconded by Councilman Westcott, and carried, to appoint Councilman Terry Faust as lead negotiator for the FOP labor
contract negotiations.


COMMENT:  Mayor Davis said that once again this is one of
Councilman Manning’s motions that he was not present this past
Monday night to explain.  Councilman Faust had no idea what this
pertained to so she asked Councilman Manning to shed some light
on this.


Councilman Manning said that we need to move
forward.  Officer Hritz asked that somebody else be put in charge
of FOP negotiations – we are now in the 8th month in the year with
no movement.  So he put this on the Agenda.


Mayor Davis said that we are waiting for the Police
Department to produce an arbitrator who which they have been
dragging their feet for.  So, now what you are asking us to do is
waste more of the taxpayer’s money to continue to have Jack
negotiate when they don’t want to pay for health care — bottom-
line.  So, we need an arbitrator to come in and negotiate this.
Considering that Jack just sent a letter out to Mr. Hritz, who is
here, that states in May of this year Mayor Davis had a discussion
with a member of the Police negotiation committee about setting
dates to continue negotiation pending the arbitration.  To date, I
have not received a written or oral communication for dates that
would be available for the Police negotiation committee to meet.
Please accept this letter as the City’s request that you contact me
relative to established dates for continued negotiations on moving
forward with arbitration in this matter.  It was stated that a copy
of this letter would be sent to the FOP’s attorney who also is their
arbitrator.  So, we are moving forward despite what Councilman
Manning thinks being Deputy Mayor.  Mayor Davis asked Mr.
Hritz if an arbitrator was picked yet.  She said that when Mr. Hritz
was present here 2 months ago and said that he was waiting for an
arbitrator to be picked but was not sure how long the process takes.
Councilman Manning is saying that you’ve (Mr. Hritz) asked
for a new negotiator.


Officer Hritz stated that he asked 2 months ago for
a new negotiator.


Mayor Davis asked Officer Hritz why he will not
produce a new arbitrator.


Officer Hritz said that he spoke to Council and that
money would be saved for arbitration if there was another


Mayor Davis asked if he was willing to commit to
health care contribution – that is the bottom-line.  We can be
reasonable when it comes to wages and salary.  You’ve refused to
sit down.  I have text messages from you.  You have refused to
sit down at the table in good faith negotiation.  Mayor Davis told
Mr. Hritz that they have been waiting months upon months for
their arbitrator. All of a sudden it is a male female kind of thing
down here if you haven’t noticed already.  The males are trying
to dominate over the females and they want authority and they
want no one else to make decisions other than the good ole boys


COMMENT:  Georgianna Farkas asked if she could make a


Mayor Davis said, “sure.”


Georgianna said that she wanted to be on record to
say that she felt in the City of Washington that taxes will be going
up.  This is not fair to the citizens because health care is being paid
for at 100%.  She has a deductible, she works every blessed day,
that it is ridiculous to have a trickling effect down to the
people and that they have to absorb this cost for health care to be
paid at 100%.  People need to know this today.  The residents can
not afford this.


Mayor Davis thanked Georgianna for her comment.
She continued by saying that the City pays almost 2 million dollars
per year for health care coverage for approximately 90 employees.
As you can see this cost continues to escalate each year. In the part
of negotiations, in good faith, you would have thought that the
FOP would have been good stewards in coming forward.  My
only hope is that that the individual that is negotiating these
contracts or whoever decides to sit in on them is clean and
sober.  So you can make the best decision on behalf of the
City of Washington.  It is publicly known down here that
individuals smell and wreak of alcohol when it is time to
attend meetings.

COMMENT:  Bonnie Dolan asked if she could make a comment.
Mayor Davis responded, “sure.”


Bonnie said that she hopes when negotiations happens that it is realized and taken into consideration that the residents are old and that this financially causes a burden on them.
Her and her husband have always worked and have always paid for a portion of their health care.  She hopes that this is taken into consideration just what a burden it is to the elderly and to tax payers who do work.


Mayor Davis thanked Bonnie for her comment.


Chief Luppino commented that it is totally false
that they don’t pay a deductible.  They have one of the highest
deductible in most cities.  They have a very high deductible, what
they don’t pay is a percentage.  They have the same health
insurance as every other City employee – it is just not the Police
Department.  It is across the board and he just wants to clarify this.


Mayor Davis asked what their deductible is that
they have to pay – is it $500, $1,000 or $2,500?  What is the cap
before the insurance kicks in?


Chief Brookman said that it is the same as for all
City elected officials too.


Chief Luppino said that they don’t have an umbrella
deductible, however they have a deductible for primary care.


Mayor Davis said that those are co-pays.


Chief Luppino said that he just wanted to make it
clear since the Police Department is getting picked on.  You get
to speak out of term and he wanted to speak out of term.


Georgianna said that this pertains to all City
employees just not the Police Department.


Mayor Davis said that before this is concluded that
a couple of months ago these same 3 gentlemen appointed
Councilman Manning and Councilman Westcott for the SEIU.  She
asked where they were with these negotiations.


COMMENT:   Louise McClenathan said that she would like to
Mayor Davis said that Louise would be permitted to
speak at the end.


ROLL CALL:    Councilwoman Tracie Graham – No

Councilman Kenneth Westcott – Yes

Councilman Joseph Manning – Yes

Councilman Terry Faust – Yes

Mayor Brenda Davis – No






Councilwoman Tracie Graham – No Comment


Councilman Kenneth Westcott made the following motion:

A motion was made by Councilman Westcott, seconded by Councilman Manning, and
carried, to rescind the actions of removing parking spaces at 167 N. Main Street and
reinstate the 2 parking spaces per Easement Agreement between the City of Washington
and the property owner.


COMMENT:   Mayor Davis asked if there was a copy of this
Easement Agreement or if it can be produced.  The last time we
were talking about these particular parking spaces there was no
agreement at hand.


Councilman Westcott said that there was an
Easement but he did not have it in his hands.  He said that he is
just trying to avoid litigation.


ROLL CALL:    Councilwoman Tracie Graham – No

Councilman Kenneth Westcott – Yes

Councilman Joseph Manning – Yes

Councilman Terry Faust – Yes

Mayor Brenda Davis – No



Councilman Joseph Manning – No Comment



Councilman Terry Faust said that he would like to welcome all the Pony League World Series teams.  The Pony League World Series is upon us and is scheduled from August 7th through August 12th at Lew Hayes Pony Field in the Washington Park.  He extended the best of luck to all of the players and he hopes that all of the players enjoy their time here at Washington Park as well as all the activities in the City of Washington and Washington County.



Mayor Brenda Davis made the following motion:


A motion was made by Mayor Davis, seconded by Councilman Manning, and
unanimously carried, to terminate the Easement Agreement with John and Shirley
Richman for the property located on Wheeling Street and Schaeffer Alley once all the
City property is removed.


COMMENT:  Councilman Faust stated that there is still a
City building located at this property.


Mayor Davis said that it will be removed.


Councilman Faust said that he understands that
it will be removed but he would like to have it removed prior to
this action.  He is not objecting to this.  He just wants to make sure
we are not barred from being on the property to remove this


Solicitor Jack Cambest stated that Mr. Richman is
agreeable to having this building removed.


Mayor Davis stated that this stipulation would be
added to the motion.  It is at the City’s leisure to having this
building removed.

Mayor Davis said she would allow Louise McClenathan 5 minutes of microphone time.  Mayor Davis said Louise had informed her that she would be present this evening.

(See below for Louise’s comments – Louise asked at the Council Meeting for these to be included in the Minutes of this meeting.  She also submitted a newspaper article.)

  • Louise McClenathan stated the following:

Mayor Davis reiterated on a couple of things:  regarding the Parklette – it was such a great project that happened.  The property owner was on board with the conversion of turning it into a Parklette.  However, his mind has been changed.  After seeing the results of the election and the uncertainty of the City and not seeing what direction the City would be taking, Mr. Richman decided that he did not want to have a partnership with the City.  She said that the property owner was in good faith in donating this property to the City.  Unfortunately, he is just not happy with the election results.  We have 3 male Council members here that can’t even get on a ballot.  They can’t follow the process and procedure correctly the first time around.  These are the same 3 individuals that are supporting these motions and running the City.  So, Lord help all of us taxpayers here.  You can expect, as the lady in the audience said, your property taxes are going to go up, your solid waste fees are going to go up because this Council just does not care.  They don’t care because it is blatantly obvious that they can’t even get on the ballot the right way.  Mayor Davis stated, “as I said, Lord help us all.”

The next regular meeting of Washington City Council will be held on Thursday, September 1, 2015 at 7PM in Council Chambers.  The Agenda Meeting will be held on Monday, August 31, 2015 at 6PM in Council Chambers.

A motion was made by Councilwoman Graham, seconded by Councilman Westcott, and unanimously carried, to adjourn the meeting.


Brenda Davis, MAYOR


Christy S. Thomas, CITY CLERK